Bellesmere Dental Blog

Brighten Your Smile, Brighten Your Day with Teeth Whitening

Summer is around the corner, and it's usually time for many social events including reunions, weddings, retreats, BBQ parties and much more. If you want to look your best on any special occasion, consider getting a professional teeth whitening treatment. It delivers quick and stunning results, ensuring you have the brightest smile possible for your special day.

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to restore discoloured teeth to a healthier, more natural colour or shade. It is a safe, efficient, and highly effective procedure under the supervision of a dental professional.

What Causes Staining on Teeth?

Teeth discolouration can occur due to various reasons, from everyday habits to the natural aging process. Factors like consuming certain foods and beverages (think coffee, tea, and red wine) or smoking tobacco can leave stubborn stains on your teeth. Additionally, as we age, the enamel layer thins out, revealing the yellowish dentin beneath it. Even factors like trauma from an injury or as a side effect of certain medications like antihistamines, antipsychotics, high blood pressure medication, chemotherapy, and neck radiation can cause staining on your teeth.

Teeth Whitening Options

When it comes to teeth whitening, you have options such as over-the-counter (OTC) bleaching products and in-office teeth whitening. OTC products, such as toothpaste or strips, may cause gum irritation, particularly if your teeth or gums are sensitive. Moreover, the concentration of bleaching agents in OTC products is weaker than in-office products, thus requiring more applications and time to achieve similar results, which could lead to increased sensitivity and higher costs.

In-office teeth whitening procedure involves the use of a formula containing hydrogen peroxide. This formula decomposes into water and oxygen molecules when exposed to air and water in the mouth. The oxygen molecules help to break down stains, thus reducing their concentration and brightening teeth. However, some people may experience tooth sensitivity when the peroxide penetrates the enamel and irritates the tooth nerve. This sensitivity is usually temporary. Our dental team can help manage your teeth sensitivity at your in-office whitening appointment.

Professional teeth whitening results can last up to a year, depending on your lifestyle and diet. Touch-up treatments can help extend the results even longer. These treatments are particularly helpful for those who consume teeth-staining beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine. It is recommended that you consult with our dentist to compare treatments and determine the most effective solution for you.

How Does In-office Teeth Whitening Work?

During your visit for in-office teeth whitening, our dentist will first assess the current shade of your teeth using a tooth shade chart and discuss your desired outcome.

Next, our dentist will perform a thorough teeth cleaning to remove any lingering plaque and ensure optimal whitening results.

The whitening agent will then be meticulously applied to your teeth and left to work its magic for up to an hour. In some cases, a UV light may be utilized to enhance the activation of the whitening agent, depending on your treatment plan.

Once the whitening procedure is concluded, your mouth will be rinsed, and our dentist may apply fluoride to help alleviate any potential sensitivity.

This process penetrates the tooth but does not damage the enamel or any crowns, veneers, etc. that the patient might have. It also causes little to no sensitivity, a key difference from take-home kits. The entire process takes approximately 30-60 minutes and will have you leaving the office with a noticeably whiter smile!

If you're interested in getting your teeth whitened, schedule a consultation appointment with us today!

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